Sunday, March 31, 2019

International Issues Can Not Be Resolved On Social Media

On March 21, 2019 President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that the United States would “fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights”, prompting Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian negotiator and the chair of the Palestine Liberation Organization to warn that this announcement would cause more destabilization in the Middle East. According to the article, a lot of people are against this announcement; Druze leaders in Golan Heights calling the U.S President delusional, stating that the announcement does nothing for Golan Heights regarding international law, also expressing that President Trump only made the announcement to help Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Hamas, the Gaza organization, states that President Trump’s proclamation on Twitter is a violation and a contradiction of what international community stands for, considering it to be an act of aggression to Arab nations. Trump’s “Deal of the Century” caused Israel’s Arab parties to also comment, stating that Trump’s social media declaration is acting against the United Nations resolutions according to United Arab List-Balad, additionally stating that Trump made this decision at the expense of the residents living in Golan and in support of Israeli occupation. United Arab List-Balad also considered this announcement to be in support of the poor and hostile human rights policies made by the Trump Administration. The only person in support of Trump’s announcement was Dimtry Apartzev, the mayor of one of the biggest cities in Golan, Katzrin, saying that the announcement will ‘bring about another leap in the momentum of development of the Golan and Katzrin, its capital”.

The reliability of the data that is in this article relating to President Trump’s comments on Israel’s capital and the sovereignty of the Golan Heights is strong due to the fact that it comes from such a publication like Haaretz and that every talking point is fact checked and sourced. Everything that was specifically discussed throughout the article was factual because it either was a direct quote of what the person was saying or it was paraphrased and linked to the full statement of said person. All facts relating to the Golan Heights and Jerusalem as well as statements made by PLO or other Arab nation officials were all checked and sourced factually from what they were taken from. Such examples such as the use of UN resolution 497, that the Golan Heights is an occupied Arab territory, is a factual and real resolution of the United Nations when it comes to the occupation and sovereignty of the Golan Heights.

The author of this article, “Trump’s Golan Recognition Will Cause Bloodshed, Top Palestinian Negotiator Warns,” is Jack Khoury, a writer for the Haaretz website. Khoury seems to be, throughout his article, a very unbiased and straight to the fact type of writer when it comes to the issues of Palestine and Israel. Writing many other articles related to this topic, Khoury does seem to have a peak interest or experience in the Arab-Israeli conflict and is good at not promoting one side rather than the other. Although you can slightly tell by some of the language he uses that his feelings are more sympathetic to the Palestinian side. When writing for this article, Khoury was decided on the idea of providing very little to no commentary of his own in the article and just sticking straight to the facts, the quotes and where and who they came from. Khoury also seems to have a tendency to write articles regarding the Palestinian leadership or higher ups feelings towards the remarks of the current United States President, Donald Trump. Jack Khoury’s article discussing the reactions and responses of Palestinian, Arab and Israeli leaders to President Donald Trump’s comments was a very unbiased and straight to the point article with no agenda of convincing people to choose a side.

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