Friday, March 15, 2019

   In December of 2017, the Trump Administration announced that they recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, at the disapproval of Palestinians, who had cut ties with the Trump Administration, labeling it unfit to mediate due to bias policies. This past Monday, in the hopes of collaborating on “a single diplomatic mission”, the previous consulate building that predominantly served the Palestinian community in Jerusalem, integrated activities with the United States Embassy. For years this had been the only line for Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem to communicate with the U.S administration. The U.S State Department reassured Palestinian leaders that the merger would not affect the the services open to the leaders, and will continue all services during and after the merge, while the “Palestinian Affairs Unit” will serve Palestine’s living in Jerusalem out of the consulate’s pervious Argon Road location. The move of activities now leaves Palestinians forced to work with the U.S Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who supports illegal building of Israeli homes on Palestinian land, the consulate no longer working as an independent diplomatic mission. The decision was made in order to keep “diplomatic engagements and operations” running smoothly since no decisions or agreements have been made for Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, or the West Bank, according to the U.S Deputy State Department Spokesperson, Robert Palladino. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Community Member, Hanan Ashrawi, considers this move as a “political assault on Palestinian rights and identity and a negation of the Consulate’s historic status and function”. The U.S is not the only country to move their embassies to Jerusalem, Guatemala and Australia has yet to but it close to finalizing a move. 

   The data in this article regarding what has been said by each side regarding the conflict of the U.S Embassy in Jerusalem is very reliable. All statements that are quoted by official members of the U.S administration are all factual takings of statements made by the individuals from conferences or press releases. Such quotes from U.S Deputy State Department Speaker Robert Palladino and decisions made by the Trump Administration have all be stated in fully covered press conferences over numerous news channels.  All of the organizations discussed such as the PLO and The Palestinian Affairs Unit and what they are doing and their feelings on the move of the embassy from Tel Aviv to be reliable and factual because it is information that has been covered far and wide by news media as well as the coverage of leaders and Trump administration speaking about the issues. 

   Throughout the article you can see that the point of view of the author, Ma’an News Agency, since the author is not listed, is from the perspective of the Palestinian people, but in an unbiased and professional way. A little background, Ma’an News Agency is a Palestinian media company with headquarters in Bethlehem and Gaza, serving as a reliable source for Palestinian and Israeli news since 2005. The article shows unbiased ideals through its use of neutral language as well as quoting sides that he/she may not agree with but want to paint the whole picture. Such comments like, “Palestinians have cut ties with Trump administration…” show the feeling of Palestinian background while also keeping the language respectable and neutral. Compared to other articles on similar topics, such as the BBC News article, US consulate general in Jerusalem merges with embassy, uses more harsher language compared to the Ma’an News Agency. For example, “ A Palestinian official called the move, “the last nail in the coffin of the US administrations role in peacemaking.”

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